Reading Himalaya Research and Policy
Mona Chettri

Mona Chettri, PhD

Research & Capacity Building Lead

Mona is a Social Science researcher from Gangtok, Sikkim. She received her PhD on South Asia Research from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, in 2014. She has worked in various research and teaching based positions in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom, India, Denmark and Australia.

Mona has researched and published across many platforms on ethnic politics, gender, urbanization, environment and development in the eastern Himalaya and has a range of experience in research, publication, capacity-building, and community engagement. She is the author of Constructing Democracy: Ethnicity and Democracy in the eastern Himalayan Borderland (2017, Amsterdam University Press), the co-editor of Development Zones in Asian Borderlands (Amsterdam University Press, 2021) and the series editor of the Eastern Himalaya Series (Rachna Books and Publications).

Apart from research, writing and collaborating on different projects, Mona is currently into making childhood nostalgia snacks.

Fields of Expertise:
Development, Politics, Gender, Environment, Ethnicity, Urbanization.
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